Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day Five: The Sun Is Shining

"Home Sweet Home" has a special meaning now that we are all Home together again. Eight days in the hospital is a long time for someone who never wanted to be there in the first place, and who came in to it under such extreme circumstances. On the positive side, that experience has caused her to work harder and to do all of the right things to heal from he surgery as quickly as possible.

Today's goals are to rest, heal, and gain strength. We are hoping to be able to go out on the patio together and sit for a while to enjoy the garden and the weather. She still tires easily, even after a few minutes on the phone, but she is hoping to reach out to everyone soon. Barb has made a few phone calls to family and friends, and entertained a few visitors from the neighborhoods who came bearing gifts of food and flowers and most importantly very good will and love. Thank you Dorothy, Robin, Kathy, Joanne, and Clare and Dana!

Also a big heartfelt hello and a "shout out" to Sharon Raimondi and the NYSCEC Board and to Jim Stowell, Marcia Atwood, Mike Schulman and the CNYSEA board for the lovely flower arrangements. They mean a great deal to us to be able to look at their beauty and remember that so many people are sending their thoughts and prayers to Barb to help her heal.

We are looking forward next Tuesday's appointment with Dr. Morrissey to discuss further treatment options - more on this next week!

Take care, everyone, and feel free to leave a comment here!


Charlotte Rogalski said...

I am so glad to hear Barb is doing well. You are all in my prayers for a successful and speedy recovery.

Love Charlotte

Charlotte Rogalski said...

I am so glad to hear Barb is doing so well. You are all in my prayers for a successful and speedy recovery.

Love Charlotte

Unknown said...

You both mean so much to me and so many others. Waiting to hear when Barb is ready for a visit. You are in our prayers. Love... Barb and Allen

Cam said...

So glad to hear that you are home!

Through the Looking Glass

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