Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hello Dear Reader,

I would like to share with you another perspective to the New Year wishes. January 2, 2008 is the one year anniversary of my daughter's passing and it was then that this idea occurred to me.

I subscribe to an online "baby boomer" newsletter and the authors said that it seemed hard this year for people to say "Merry Christmas" and be politically correct, but that "Happy New Year" is something that rolls off the tongue (or out of the AAC device) more easily.

They then opined that we should think about changing the phrase - from "Have a Happy New Year" to "MAKE a Happy New Year." I really like this perspective because happy New Years aren't something we are handed, and in fact they can sometimes be the opposite.

It made sense to me to acknowledge that I make my own happiness, as well as contribute to the happiness of others (with or without technology :-) as this is the essence of my mission.

And so, my wish for all of us is that we are successful in making a very happy new year for ourselves, our loved ones and those we serve.

With Love and Respect,

Through the Looking Glass

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